Alrighty, some time has passed and my wounds (internal that is) are healing!!!! Last Fri, while working, I was on a run at the Capitol building. I had to get a document approved and then was to go to the airport and give it to someone. Well, as in most cases with these documents (they always seem to be rushes), it wasn't put together correctly. So I had to take it back to work and let 'em know. On my way down the steps at the capitol, I missed a step, and my moment picked up more and more down the stairs. I tried to avoid the exact thing that happened to me. I ended up jumping and coming down on one of the bottom steps, completely rolling my ankle under me (it folded like an elephant's snout). I heard two pops and really thought my ankle was broken. I threw the document up in the air while falling and rolled once I hit the bottom. I picked the document up and started hopping on my good leg to my car. A lady came through the doors at the bottom of the steps, and while watching me hop on one leg, asked me if I was ok. I thought it looked quite obvious that I wasn't. I ended up exiting the east side entrance of the Capitol and hopping to my car in the next lot over. I drove back to work, went up the elevators, hopped to the secretary's desk, gave her the document and went up to my lil' runner's room.
I was going to drive back towards home and stop at a hospital in Layton, but was advised not to do so. Plus, by the time I got around to thinking like that, my foot had ballooned and I couldn't really feel it anymore. The pain was pretty extensive at that point. I ended up sitting in that room for just about an hour 'til someone from the firm was able to take me to the closest hospital. On top of all this, I couldn't get a hold of the ol' wifey. She was getting her hair cut. Crazy enough, though, she ended up at the hospital in downtown just about the same time I did. I tell you what, it's much better to hurt an arm, hand, shoulder or anything above the waist (maybe with exception to one part) 'cause you can still get around. It's not fun hurting a knee, ankle, foot, etc.
At the hospital, they gave me a walking boot and crutches. By the time night rolled around, the crutches had already bruised my pits. My wife told me I need to find a better solution for crutches. So if any ideas come to mind, give me a call 'cause I haven't had any.