I think we've finally adjusted to island time, because after waking at 7:00 AM each previous day, we slept until 9:30 AM and didn't get out the door until around 11:00! Now that's what I call being on vacation!
We spent the first part of our day at a famous "pool" carved out of lava rock just down the road from our condo; it's called Queen's Bath, and it was fabulous!
I loved being able to snorkel in a protected pool with no ocean waves smashing over and around me! Jordan was a little bored with it after a while because it lacked the diversity of the other spots we've been to. But, overall, it was worth the hike, and alot of fun.
After Queen's Bath, we drove to 'Anini Beach and had a picnic lunch (our lunch of choice here) and tried to avoid accidentally catching a shot of the two lovers in the water in front of us, who obviously forgot they were no longer in the privacy of their hotel room!
It started to rain right after we finished lunch, and continued pretty much off and on the rest of the day. We tried hitting up several different beaches, Hanamalu and Larsen's, but the surf was too strong at both, so we gave up and headed into tiny Kapaa for some souveneir shopping. And as a bonus, we found a tasty local bakery where I was able to satiate my sweet tooth!
As a side note, and since I do this blog as a journal for myself, poor Jordan has been suffering from horrible pain in his mouth due to some dental work he had done a little while ago, that obviously didn't "take." He was in so much pain by the end of the day, I almost insisted we go to the emergency room so he could get some pain pills. Of course, when I told him about the $150 copay he refused. I've decided to just call the dentist in the morning and have him call in a prescription over here. Poor Jordan! At least he's still a good sport!