Friday, March 18, 2011

5 Months & Counting

My precious baby is actually closer to six months old than he is to five months, but like most things in my life, I'm a little behind on my blog posts! So here's a summary of our Henry boys fifth month... Henry's becoming quite the "foody"! He got to start eating green beans, peas, carrots, bananas, peaches & prunes! With all that new food going through his system, his dirty diapers got significantly more stinky! Jordan thought he needed the nose plug before...he doesn't even attempt a diaper change without it now! All this new food is really helping him to bulk up! I LOVE his little rolly-polly thighs! If there was ever any question before...he's definately a binky baby! And we love that he can now grab it and put it back in himself.

1 comment:

Lara Vanhille said...

I LOVE HIM!!! He is such a handsome little dude and I can't wait to see him in June!!!