So, Jordan and I are totally THRILLED that Spring has FINALLY sprung at our house!
Last weekend was actually nice enough that we both took a much needed break from studying, and worked in the yard.
We planted our garden.

(Yes, that 4'x10' rectangle is our "Garden". Don't feel bad laughing, all our neighbors do! But, it's just right for the two of us.) 2 tomato plants, 4 red peppers, a cucumber, 4 strawberries and some Sage to round it out!
Our first TULIP bulbs are popping up and blooming!

And the rest of our beautiful flowers are coming out of hibernation!

Birds are again building their nests wherever they can in/on/around our house.

This one decided to take up residence in our satellite dish brace after Jordan blocked off their entrance to our dryer vent!
And finally, Spring is not the only thing to have Sprung...My belly has decided it too wants to be noticed. So it popped!

That's right, this Party of Two will soon become a Party of Three! I'm 17 weeks along, and have felt amazingly well the majority of the time. We were supposed to have our BIG ultrasound today(see picture, above) , but while we were waiting they came and told us the doctor had been called away to deliver a baby. So, it's postponed until Monday. We'll post the pic then.

In case you were unsure, we are beyond THRILLED! This little one was a long time coming, and we're super excited to be adding some MORE excitement to our lives! "Baby Bartlett" (we're NOT finding out the gender!) will make his/her appearance the end of September (Dr estimated September 25). So, ready or not, here he/she comes!
Here's a couple more pictures we've accumulated during the past 4 months.

In case you couldn't figure it out, the number of fingers I'm holding up is how far along I am (13 weeks in the first and 4 months in the second). I'm LOVING being pregnant!