Monday, June 22, 2009

Escalante, UT

Last weekend we headed down to Escalante, Utah for some camping and hiking. While it was pouring down rain in Northern Utah, we had sunny skies and cool temperatures...perfect for hiking!
We got to try out our tent for the very first time! (The same tent Jordan got for his b-day a year or two ago!)
Hike through "the largest petrified forest in the US"
Visit a beautiful waterfall that filled a pool full of water as cold as if there was ice floating in it!
Refresh our skills at "old people card games" (aka: Skip bo) And "Eat better than we do at home" according to Jordan!

We didn't, however, get to hike the Spooky and Peek-a-Boo slot canyons because our car (Toyota Corolla) does not have enough clearance to make it down the ill-maintained road to get to the trails! We were so bummed!
This experience made us realize how unfulfilled our lives are because we don't have a truck! Ha, ha! So, it may have been just the excuse we needed to validate buying one! Anyone selling (or know of a great deal) on a newer 4 door Toyota Tacoma?! Let us know!


Jenny said...

I can't believe you are a camper! Never pictured you camping outside a cruise ship or hotel room. Ha!

Fortunes said...

wish we could have come. looks like you guys had a fun time.