Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Fruits of our Labor

All the hard work we've put in (and continue to put in) to our landscaping are all worth it when we get to look at this...
I think our yard looks so pretty! Too bad the summer blooming season isn't longer here in Utah!

Also, this summer I planted a cantalope plant and was soo..excited when the first one was ready...or so I thought! I picked it WAY too early, and had to throw the whole thing away! What a disappointment! I have since learned how to tell when a cantalope is "ready." We'll see if the 5 growing on the vine right now are able to ripen before the freezing temperatures kill them off!

1 comment:

4Stones said...

I love the look of your yard. Wish we had seen it in person. Next year, we will be better!