The offer on our house that has been in since October was finally accepted and we closed on the 17th. It's a huge relief to finally be done with that part of this house. I'm constantly saying, "What OTHER lessons can we learn from this house experience?" It seems, at times, we've learned them all!
We've been busy going through our stuff (incrediably, we've managed to fill a 2500 square foot house in the short amount of time we've lived here), getting rid of a bunch of it, and packing the rest. Last Saturday Jordan and a bunch of our friends were able to move most of our furniture into the basement of our AWESOME friends house, who are letting us store it there until we move to Idaho! It's very odd being in our house after 4 1/2 years and seeing bare walls and empty rooms. I got pretty sad when we packed up Henry's room! We'll be packing up the rest and moving out the end of the month. Since Jordan has a 6 week class at BYU he has to take before he can start at ISU, we get to be "Roomies" with the Alders! And we're sooo...thanksful that they're letting us come and stay! We're crossing our fingers that we don't bug them too bad!
In other news...Henry is now 7 months old. He LOVES to roll all over the floor, and has gotten quite efficient at getting to where he wants to go! He's even started scooting forward while sitting straight up!
If you read my last post, you know that we instituted the "cry it out" method during March, and I'm beyond thrilled to report, that we are no longer getting up with Henry in the night! He still wakes almost every night around midnight to cry for a few minutes, but has learned how to soothe himself back to sleep! We now put him to bed between 7:00 and 8:00 PM and he sleeps until 7:00 or 8:00 AM!!! Needless to say, everyone is much happier in our house these days!
I bought Henry his first Sippy Cup and filled it with his first taste of dilluted apple juice. However, it wasn't enough to entice him to drink from it...He's less than thrilled with the cup, and prefers, instead, to bang it on his highchair tray or the floor!
Oh well, maybe in another month or two we'll try again.
He also had his first experience with bubbles tonight, and was totally confused by them! He kept trying to grab them off the floor and couldn't understand where they went! We got a good laugh out of it!
Jordan is wrapping up his last semester ever at SLCC, and couldn't be any happier! He's so ready to be done with that school, and tells me so quite frequently!
I've still been working part-time, and was super excited to give my "two week notice" a couple months early! I'm really excited, but also a bit nervous, to be a full time stay at home mommy! I openly admit that going to work is a "break" and staying home with Henry is HARD work!!! It's definately going to be an adjustment to be home full time, but it will be one I'm certainly looking forward to!