With the extremely thinning hair, body falling apart, and people reminding me how old I look, sometimes I really think I'm closer to 40 than 30. The part above is how most friends and fam respond(ed) with the passing b-day.
Over the 4th o' July weekend, we took a trip out to Cali to hang out with fam and friends. I'm still recovering from my ankle injury, but it was fun to go there and spend some time. We got in the day before the 4th, and my bro and his fam were campin at a nearby lake with some friends. So we decided to go visit them and talk it up a bit. C-Mac drove Tasha and I to Negro Bar (that's the name, no seriously) to see all of 'em. When we got there, we walked up the trail leading to the campsite and noticed the youngest of my bro's boys had slipped away (crawling in the dirt and whatever else was down there along the path). We picked the lil' guy up and took him back to the campsite. Wow was he filthy. It was great (especially for those who didn't have to clean him up)! We shot the breeze with all of 'em and then took off. One little problem came out of leaving. The gate was locked!!!! That's right, we got locked into the campground. Seems like a little occupational hazard if you ask me (emergencies for campers, etc). Anyways, we couldn't find a way out around the gate, but saw a road for personnel vehicles only. That road lead us to the gate area but with space to maneuver out. It took a bit of time, but we made it out so we could sleep in our own comfortable beds. That was quite interesting.
The next day on the 4th, we cleaned and washed every car in my parent's driveway. For dinner we had some grubbin pizza (Little Queezers) with pepperoni, onion and bell pepper(there's more story to the pizza). The best! At night, we went over to Scumrise Mall (Sunrise is the name) and watched The Heights' firework show. It seems as you get older that fireworks just aren't as fun as when you're a child. It'll probably get better if I ever have any children of my own one of these days. It was nice being there with fam and friends, though. Later that night, I saw some ol' buddies. Kicked it and caught up with Riff (or is it Raff, which am I?), Krebs, Cook and Pat. Twas good seeing those guys.

On Sunday, we gathered again, ate a wonderful dinner, had my favorite cake with Chocolate Malted Crunch ice cream and opened presents. I made it known that I wanted a few more pairs of shorts and wanted a couple of plaid ones. I ended up getting five plaid shorts and now have to decide which ones I need to take back. Such awesomeness going on. That pretty much sums up our time at home (someday my friends, someday!).